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Tampa's Terroir New Music embraces Bay area composers, culinarians in tasty ways

February 6, 2019

""...Kline — a Morehead State grad with a Masters of Music from USF — is a composer himself, and most recognizable as a voice on Sarasota’s all-classical station WSMR 89.1 FM and Tampa’s WUSF 89.7 FM. When they first crossed paths, [Susanna] Hancock was the president of USF’s student-run New-Music Consortium, where the pair worked with other students to produce contemporary music concerts at school and throughout the community.

These days, Kline, 27, and Hancock are orchestrating an impressive marriage between Tampa Bay’s composers and its blossoming food and drink scene as part of a new music group called Terroir.

Translated literally from French, “terroir” means “earth” or “soil.” In winemaking, it refers to the complete natural environment in which a particular wine is produced (including, but not limited to, factors such as soil, topography, and climate). In the hands of Hancock and Kline — plus the dozens of composers, musicians, chefs, brewers, bardenters and bakers they’ve worked with — Terroir has become a must-experience event.""

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